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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mitos Apel

Wisata Petik Apel di Kebun Petani Kota Wisata Batu

Banyak sekali mitos tentang apel, baik mengenai keagamaan maupun percintaan. Menurut Wikipedia, Meskipun buah terlarang dalam Kitab Kejadian tidak diidentifikasi, namun banyak penganut nasrani percaya bahwa buah yang digunakan Hawa untuk membujuk Adam agar mencobanya adalah buah apel.  Hal ini mungkin merupakan akibat dari para pelukis zaman Renaissance yang


Bp. SBY sedang memetik buah apel manalagi di kebun petani Kota Wisata Batu

Meskipun bukan asli tanaman dari Indonesia, apel termasuk salah satu jenis buah yang populer disamping jeruk dan mangga. Selain dikonsumsi dalam bentuk buah segar yang sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan, kelezatan apel juga bisa dinikmati dalam bentuk aneka olahan seperti sari buah,


Allah telah memberi tanda kematian seorang muslim sejak 100 hari, 40 hari, 7 hari, 3 hari dan 1 hari menjelang kematian.

Tanda 100 hari menjelang ajal :
Selepas waktu Ashar (Di waktu Ashar karena pergantian dari terang ke gelap), kita merasa dari ujung rambut sampai kaki menggigil, getaran yang sangat kuat, lain dari biasanya, Bagi yang menyadarinya

The Best Indonesian Composer

1. Adie MS
Addie Muljadi Sumaatmadja or better known as Addie MS is one of the founders of Twilite Orchestra and still holds the reins of the orchestra conductor. In addition to being a conductor, Addie is also known as a pianist, songwriter, composer, arranger, and music producer as well.

After studying classical piano with Mrs.. Rotti, learning more of his music on my own path, including orchestration, conducting, and recording engineering. In an effort to continue to deepen these fields, Addie following a brief education. Among other things, Recording Engineering Workshop in Ohio in 1984 and Conducting Workshop organized by the American Symphony Orchestra League in Los Angeles in 1995. In conducting the workshop he received guidance from Jorge Mester, conductor of the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra when, and Raymond Harvey, conductor of the Fresno Philharmonic Orchestra.

2. Erwin Gutawa
Erwin Gutawa was a composer, conductor, arranger, and bassist from Indonesia. Perry often producing and arranging music for music concerts, including music concerts Malaiholo Harvey, Ruth, Tim Christensen, Titi DJ, and Kris Kristofferson.

After graduating from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia in 1986, he plunged fully into the field of music. Years 1985-1993 he joined Karimata, jazz fusion sebuahband released five albums. In 1993 he founded the Erwin Gutawa Orchestra.

3. Elfas Secoria
Elfa is Secioria Hasbullah Indonesian composer and songwriter. He is the founder of the musical group Elfa's Singer. Elfa died in hospital Pertamina Jaya, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta at 17:00 pm due to complications of kidney disease.
The date March 23, 2011, to coincide with the celebration of National Music Day, the late Elfa received Art Prize Award of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. On the same day, on the show "For you Secioria Elfa Companion", United Artists Singers, Songwriters, and Playground Music Recordings Indonesia (PAPPRI) also gives awards Nugraha Bhakti Musik Indonesia (NBMI) to Elfa.

4. Purwacaraka
Purwacaraka are musicians as well as music arranger Indonesian nationals. The eldest of three brothers has been familiar with the music since childhood. Prototype also studied Classical piano from A Becalef, a piano teacher in Bandung Hungarian nationality.

Music has become flesh and blood Purwa. One proof of his loyalty to the music, he founded the school of music, Purwacaraka Music Studio. After growing nearly 28 years, is now purwa should be proud because about 50 music schools have branches spread in various major cities in Indonesia.

5. Dwiki Darmawan
Dwiki Dharmawan is a jazz musician from Indonesia who Jini start reaching a composer and arrenger. Dwiki is a member of the music group Krakatau. Since childhood Dwiki been familiar with the music. At the age of 6 years, he has studied classical piano and jazz piano learn to Elfa Secioria at age 13. Dwiki awarded 'The Best Keyboard Player' on the Yamaha Light Music Contest 1985 in Tokyo, Japan. Dwiki also won the Grand Prize Winner at the Asia Song Festival 2000 in the Philippines.
In 1990, Dwiki decided to pursue various musical traditions of Indonesia, starting with exploration with Sundanese music, his native land and then released the album Mystical and Magical Mist Match. Dwiki also explore the various rich tradition from Aceh, Malay, Javanese, Balinese, Indonesian and Eastern music. In 2005, Dwiki be co-music director for Quantum Megalithicum spectacular musical performances in Jakarta and Bali.

1. Adie MS
Addie Muljadi Sumaatmadja or better known as Addie MS is one of the founders of Twilite Orchestra and still holds the reins of the orchestra conductor. In addition to a conductor, Addie also known as a pianist, songwriter, composer, arranger, and producer-musical.

After studying classical piano with Mrs. Rotti, learning his musical path by self-taught, including orchestration, conducting, and recording engineering. In an effort to continue to deepen these fields, Addie followed several short courses. Among other things, Recording Engineering Workshop in Ohio in 1984 and Conducting Workshop organized by the American Symphony Orchestra League in Los Angeles in 1995. In the workshop he received guidance from Jorge Mester, conductor Pasadena Symphony Orchestra at the time, and Raymond Harvey, conductor Fresno Philharmonic Orchestra.

2. Erwin Gutawa
Erwin Perry is a composer, conductor, arranger, and bassist from Indonesia. Perry often producing and arranging music for music concerts, including music concerts Malaiholo Harvey, Ruth, Tim Christensen, Titi DJ, and Kris Kristofferson.

After graduating from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia in 1986, he plunged fully into the field of music. Years 1985-1993 he joined Karimata, jazz fusion band released five albums. In 1993 he founded the Erwin Gutawa Orchestra.

Greek Mythology of Apple

Herakles with apple Hesperides.

The story of apples found in many religious traditions, both as a mystical or forbidden objects. One of the problems encountered when identifying apples in religion, mythology and folklore, is that the word "apple" was used as a generic term for all foreign fruits other than berries, and include nuts, until the 17th century.  For example, in Greece mythology, Heracles Hesperides Gardens is required to go to pluck the golden apples of Principal Life in the midst of the garden as one of the twelve duties.

The Norse mythology of apple

In Norse mythology, the goddess Iðunn Snorra described in the prose Edda (Snorri Sturluson works of the 13th century) as a provider of apples that give eternal youth to the gods. British Scholars, H. R. Ellis Davidson, associate apples to religious practices in Germanic paganism that gave birth to the Nordic religion. He pointed out that the baskets containing apples were found in the Oseberg ship burial site in Norway, and apples and seeds (Iðunn told Skáldskaparmál turn into seeds) were found in the old cemetery and the Germanic diInggris continental Europe, may carry a symbolic meaning, and seeds still an important symbol of fertility in southwest England.
Davidson attention to the relationship between the apple and the Vanir, the tribe of gods associated with fertility in Norse mythology, citing the example kisahSkírnir (messenger Freyr, the god of the major Vanir) using seeds eleven "golden apples" to lure Gerðr, as written in the stanza 19 and 20 Skírnismál. Davidson also noticed another connection between fertility and apples in Norse mythology in chapter 2 Völsunga saga, when the goddess Frigg sends King Reriryang apples to pray for the children to Odin. Envoy Frigg (in the form of a crow) apple dropping on his lap as he sat on the mound. [11] After eating the apple, empress Rerir pregnant for six years, and gave birth to a boy named Völsung. 
Furthermore, Davidson pointed to the phrase "Apples of Hel" used in the poetry of the 11th century skald made Thorbiorn Brúnarson. He stated that the phrase may be a sign that Apple is suspected as the food of the dead by the skald. Moreover, Davidson notes that Nehalennia Germanic goddess sometimes depicted with apples and parallels exist in early Irish stories. He asserts that while cultivation of the apple in Northern Europe has been around since the Roman Empire and came to Europe from the Near East, varieties of apples are grown in Northern Europe are small and bitter. Davidson concludes that in the figure Iðunn, "we must have a vague shadow of the ancient symbols: the patron goddess of the life-giving fruit of the other world".